Corbin Area Technology Center Aviation students launched rockets they built during class last week.
The students are part of an advanced aviation class and have been building the rockets since school began two weeks ago. Most the rockets came in a building kit but the students were able to alter the materials provided to make their own rockets.
“My goal for this project was for the students to learn how different forces can affect flight. The students all altered their rockets differently in a few ways in an attempt to achieve a higher altitude.” Corbin ATC aviation teacher Roger Taylor said.
The purpose of the activity was to teach the students how even small alterations can affect an aircraft. The test flights showed that the students who took more care and put more attention into assembling their rockets usually had more successful flight. One of the main learning points of the activity was how weight can affect flight.
The students also tied engineering into the lesson by launching a 3D printed rocket. A student in the class printed the rocket as part of an engineering class. The 3D rockets test flight had some negative results due to the weight. Taylor commented the students already had several ideas to fix the rocket as well as ideas for a V2.0, which is a definite sign of a future engineer.